The highest content of silicon from the entire line of fertilizers Volsky Biochem
It is most in demand among cultures: cereals, fruits and berries, vegetables
Purpose: pre-sowing treatment of seeds and for foliar applucation
Packing: 10 L canister
Consumption rate: 0.5-2.0 l/ha foliar application
State registration number: 182-11-2899-1 TU 20.15.79-009-58954477-2018
■ Easy to use liquid form
■ Additionally contains nitrogen in amide form
■ The synergism of the action of silicon and potassium
■ Accelerates the synthesis of antioxidant and other protective enzymes
■ Reduces transpiration in dry conditions, improves cooling of plants in hot weather
■ Increases resistance to pests, fungi, and bacterial infections
■ Accelerates the recovery of plants from stress caused by high or low temperature, lack or excess of lighting, salinity, lack of water
■ Increases the strength of plant cell walls
■ Additional barrier against diseases and pests
■ Increases the shelf life of fruits
■ Increases the strength of the straw, prevents lodging
■ Improves nitrogen and phosphorus metabolism, improves boron consumption by plants
■ Reduces the toxicity of excessive amounts of iron(Ferrum) and aluminum
■ Reduces disease and significantly increases the yield of rice
■ High payback period
Protection against counterfeit goods
■ The original canister is embossed with the company logo "Volsky Biochem"
■ The label is made of polymer materials (not paper, does not exfoliate when torn off)
■ The supplier must provide in the package of documents a copy of the current Declaration of Conformity and a Certificate of state registration of the agrochemical with the blue se
■ Availability of a stamp on the label with the date of production and batch number